About Me

Welcome to my shop!
I’m Linda P. Cleary, artist, designer, monster maker, crafter, puppeteer, musician, improvisor, writer, mama (doggie and human) and sandwich lover.
This is where I sell my original art pieces from my current works to my Day of the Artist pieces.
The Day of the Artist is a project I started on January 1, 2014. Initially I was going to do an original painting every day for a year. Then I decided to make it a little more specific. What if I paid tribute to a new artist everyday by doing a painting in the style of their work? I knew it was going to be educating, challenging and fun. I never expected it to be such an intense psychological experience. 
I only had one day to research and finish each painting. Some turned out wonderful and some I wasn't so happy with. Some pieces took 5 minutes and were a breeze to complete and some had me grinding my teeth for most of the day. This project taught me on a daily basis about new techniques and materials. It also taught me about embracing failure and moving on. This journey made such an impact on my life and I am so happy to share it with you! 
You can buy a painting from my project here and feel free to visit my blog to learn more about each painting and artist.  I also post my current works and processes as well.
Day of the Artist BLOG